Funtico Games
$TICO is the utility token that seamlessly connects Funtico Platform and its proprietary games.

Deck Duels
Skilled based PVP competitive card game.

Sneak Peek and launch date coming soon!

Bingo Rampage
Skilled based PVP competitive bingo game.

Sneak Peek and launch date coming soon!
Gamified Rewarding Features

Loot Boxes
Unlock the magic of Funtico Loot Boxes! These digital treasure chests are available through various activities on the platform, limited edition boxes, starter packs, to reaching key milestones. Open a box to discover a myriad of digital rewards!

Step onto an exhilarating stage where realms converge! Open Funtico Capsules for a whirlwind tour through the lore of all your favourite Funtico games. Unlock characters, grab collectibles, and fuel your adventure with essential in-game resources. A carousel of surprises awaits you!

Scratch Cards
Enter the world of instant wins with Funtico Scratch Cards! These digital cards offer a variety of prizes, from unique digital items to NFTs. Experience the thrill of scratching off the surface to reveal your reward instantly. A fun and quick way to win amazing prizes on the Funtico platform!

Tico Bar
Spin the Reels with Funtico TICO Bar! Immerse yourself in the thrill of spinning the reels and uncovering a world of digital wonders. With Funtico Slots, every spin is an adventure, offering the chance to win exciting rewards from platform XP, to tickets to big rewards tournaments!
Funtico games and gamified rewarding features are categorized as gaming and not gambling under applicable laws and regulations. Players should engage with the games and platform features with the understanding that they arenot gambling ventures.